September 4, 2023

August 2023 Progress Picture

August progress pics, which really shows how July went. Bit more injury, bit less progress.

August 2023 Progress Picture
August 2023 Progress Picture


I had a bit of a fast (72 hours) during July and it ATE me up. I lost about 7 lbs during the fast, but a few pound bounce back almost immediately. What was really enlightening was how my body fat actually increased after the fast, and my muscle mass decreased. At least according to my inbody results. This was a big bummer, but the fast was a good practice in discipline, and now I know that it may try to steal my gains. Funnily enough, the guy who was super into fasting, Peter Attia, spoke about his 180 on fasting because if this exact effect. If you want to know more, check out my review of Outlive. Great book. Definitely top five reads for 2023 for me.

Despite the disappointing results from my inbody, and a new set of injuries, I'm excited as it feels like I'm finally getting my diet back on track (travels aside).


Plantar Fasciitis

Still acting up. Started wearing On Clouds only, and ditched the barefoot shoes. Seems to be helping. Also foam rolling and stretching my calf agressively, could be helping as well.

Right Knee

Almost four years to the date of my original knee injury, this dumb thing started acting up. Played some intense pickleball, and what seems like ~20% of my range of motion is lost to some swelling and tendon pain. It's really only noticeable when trying to squat down.

Right Groin

This ones just re-occuring. Forever. No issues with the gym, or doing anything physical. Just flares up occasionally if I do something. It may be swing in or out of the car. Picking Jasper or Shalomi up. But not always. Seems random, almost.


Gym Jones Movie Prep - just finished.

Honestly, this was a great program. Super intense, hit everything I wanted. I wish it had some mobility baked in somehow, and some of the supersets aren't achievable unless you have the gym to yourself. It's also exceptionally time consuming. I was hitting 90 minutes for most sessions (6 days a week, too). And that was with me scaling down or back some of the programming.

Hard to Kill "Bodyweight" (HTK Body)- just beginning.

Between the injuries, and a severe lack in my pushup and pullup game, I wanted to go back to some basics and get in a calisthenic and mobility focused program. As if the gym gods heard me, my knee started acting up, and this program started blowing up in my instagram ad space. That said, I did a run through on what the program looks like and I'm stoked for it. Week 1 was great, though fairly "easy" comparatively.

  • Author
  • Genre
  • Days to Finish

  • Current Numbers:
    Bodyfat %
  • Skeletal Muscle (lbs)
  • Weight (lbs)

Andrew Monroe

Writer and Geek

Like every bald, bearded white guy, I have too many hobbies and not enough time on my hands. Hope you enjoyed this post!

About Andrew

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