July 4, 2024

June 2024 Progress Picture

June 2024 Progress Update

June 2024 Progress Picture
June 2024 Progress Picture


Yikes. I am behind. Looks like the last update was February. It’s been a long few months, apparently.

I have been getting my tests in, and after some gains and losses in both body fat and muscle mass, I’m back ton track it would seem.

I haven’t tested my one rep max’s in a bit. April was probably the last try and I’d gone down a little in numbers.

Upping the protein has definitely been helfpul. I’ve missed most of the weekly saunas, but my average number of weekly Crossfit sessions are up. Cardio was going well. I hit a 6 mile run mid-May, and a fiver the week before that. But, injuries are making me pull back a little.

Big 3 Lifts

Bench: 245

Squat: 330

Deadlift: 335


CrossFit at CFA + Random Accessory Work & Cardio

Murph prep was a good thing for me. I’ve also enjoyed the continued intensity. Definitely good for me on the crossfit front. Cardio has been meh. I need to go more often. Hopefully June will be a number of two a days.


Left Foot (Plantar Fasciitis)
It’s been pretty annoying dealing with this. I’ve added a few shoes into the mix. I think the Altras are the best for healing this up. They caused some ankle problems for a bit, but I started to get some issues on my right foot’s sesamoid. Swapping to the Altra after a couple of months off it has been good.

Left Wrist Left Finger
Wrist healed up fine, finally. But as all injuries seem to, it may have evolved into a left ring finger strain from all the pullups during Murph.

Left Back, Shoulder Blade/Ribs (Scapula)‍
Totally good. Finally haven’t had issues with it.

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  • Days to Finish

  • Current Numbers:
    Bodyfat %
  • Skeletal Muscle (lbs)
  • Weight (lbs)

Andrew Monroe

Writer and Geek

Like every bald, bearded white guy, I have too many hobbies and not enough time on my hands. Hope you enjoyed this post!

About Andrew

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