September 4, 2023

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

Great book on the science and importance of preventative care for living longer.

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity
Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

Attia's book is a comprehensive guide to living a longer, healthier life. He covers everything from the science of aging to the art of living a fulfilling life, and he presents his ideas in a clear, engaging way that really resonated with me.

One of the most interesting parts of the book, for me, was Attia's emphasis on the importance of muscle mass. Attia argues that muscle mass is the "secret sauce" to everything, and I found this to be enlightening. He backs up his claims with scientific research, and he provides practical tips for building and maintaining muscle mass. One of the strangest anecdotes that came out of this was the correlation between grip strength (or really the lack of it) and increased likelihood of a premature death.

Another concept that I found fascinating was Attia's focus on preventive care. Rather than waiting until we get sick to seek out medical treatment, Attia argues that we should be proactive in taking care of our health. Specifically, looking at your annual blood work (you should be doing that, if you’re not) and using factors like elevated triglycerides or cholesterol as indicators of IMMEDIATE concern instead of the wait and see approach that medicine traditionally views these bad boys.

Overall, I highly recommend "Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity" to anyone and everyone. Attia's writing is enthusiastic and engaging, and his insights are both informative and actionable. This book is definitely worth a read!

  • Author
    Peter Attia MD
  • Genre
    Self Improvement
  • Days to Finish

  • Current Numbers:
    Bodyfat %
  • Skeletal Muscle (lbs)
  • Weight (lbs)

Andrew Monroe

Writer and Geek

Like every bald, bearded white guy, I have too many hobbies and not enough time on my hands. Hope you enjoyed this post!

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