August 28, 2022

Videography Shout Out

Petrichor Video is doing some incredible work.

Videography Shout Out
Videography Shout Out

One of the people that have helped out on this novel is Derek over at Petrichor Video. (or if you're more into Facebook: Petrichor Company)This is a specific thank you to the Amarillo based Video company for all the help they've given me in both advice and video work. They've made A Leaf and Pebble possible with their support and quality work. Derek also helped on feedback with the book itself as mentioned in the Thank You post I wrote earlier this month.So thanks Derek and Petrichor Video, keep doing what you've been doing, and good luck over there!

Much love,

Andrew Monroe

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    Bodyfat %
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Andrew Monroe

Writer and Geek

Like every bald, bearded white guy, I have too many hobbies and not enough time on my hands. Hope you enjoyed this post!

About Andrew

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