August 28, 2022

A Big Thank You

A huge thank you for helping make "A Leaf and Pebble" a success!

A Big Thank You
A Big Thank You
A Leaf and Pebble Acknowledgements

Hey y’all!

As promised, here’s the excerpt from the book’s acknowledgement at the end (See picture).

That doesn’t do these people, and some other’s the credit they deserve. Here’s a better explanation, and a huge thank you to those below!

Daniel Winter, Stephen Mobley, and Jake Cobb all went through the entirety of the book and made A LOT of comments, suggestions, and edits that brought this book together without me spending large amounts of money on editors. They all went above and beyond the call of duty to deep dive this book and I can’t thank them enough.

Chris Matos, Brittany Brickzin, and Derek Porterfield also acted as part time editors and beta readers, giving feedback, encouragement, ideas, and thoughts. You guys rock :)

Finally, a big thanks to Shalomi Momin, who helped me hash out the final book title, and another to all of my family who has supported me through the myriad of bad decisions I’ve made over the years. At least half of my gratitude to these guys comes from the many cups of coffee (talking about you, Palace Coffee and Evocation Coffee) brought to me while recovering from my recent knee injury.

Of course these aren’t the only people I should be thanking, so for those of you who have given me feedback over the years, supported my pursuit, shared a drink with me and talked through world building and writing, or generally offered encouragement, thank you and my apologies for not being able to fit you in “officially” on this.

Seriously. I’m deeply grateful for all of you.


Andrew Monroe

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Andrew Monroe

Writer and Geek

Like every bald, bearded white guy, I have too many hobbies and not enough time on my hands. Hope you enjoyed this post!

About Andrew

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