September 4, 2023

Leaf by Niggle

"Leaf by Niggle" review.

Leaf by Niggle
Leaf by Niggle

Exactly what was needed. Good little bit of motivation about what you’re doing. I’d recommend to everyone. Took about 30 minutes to read. This is a short exploring creativity, mortality, and the role of art in human life. Can't ask for better than that.

  • Author
    J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Genre
  • Days to Finish

  • Current Numbers:
    Bodyfat %
  • Skeletal Muscle (lbs)
  • Weight (lbs)

Andrew Monroe

Writer and Geek

Like every bald, bearded white guy, I have too many hobbies and not enough time on my hands. Hope you enjoyed this post!

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